One thing leads to another

After finishing piecing 2 secret quilts for Accuquilt, I decided to clean out my sewing machine and bobbin area and I found TWO dust bunnies!


Good thing I got them NOW or they would have procreated and made more!!

I then started organizing my quilt piles and put some more up for sale on my FB page and etsy. ( I have no luck selling my quilts btw, but worth a shot I guess) and while I was sorting quilts, I also looked at my books and someone on FB had made a bargello quilt (I think Connie did too recently!) I got out a book and found an idea with jelly rolls, so then I found this leftover pack of strips called Mountains Majesty by Island Batik.

Remember this other puzzle jelly roll quilt I made recently?

I still had half a pack left so 16 strips!!

I laid them out in color order and also tried to have the first and last be close together


looks good even in B/W


the book did a tube method of making a bargello and it used more strips in the same color, but I used the basic idea and went to work sewing them together


and sewed more


and more


and then I made the tube (with all seams ironed OPEN btw!


Then I cut into different widths, from 1 1/4” to 2” and tried to make “mountains” bargello style


So each mountain had 5 strips and the widest is in the middle and then there’s a skinny one between the mountains too


I was able to cut enough for 4 mountains and space between, I could possibly have cut more but I knew with 16 strips it would be 32” tall so I wanted the width to be shorter and then add borders


And I found a sort of white/light blue for the inner border and a tree blue/green print for the outer border that matched well, maybe from last year’s Island Batik box?!

bargello quilt batik

It now measures about 33” x 38” and I had enough of the tree print for the binding.

So it will go in the pile for tops waiting to be quilted!!

I think I forgot to show these goodies I got from Connecting threads last week, a ruler work quilting idea book, some needles (wrong size but oh well) and glue stick for EPP. and now they have another sale!! SIGH…

oh and I got some solid white and solid blue too!


7 thoughts on “One thing leads to another”

  1. Jennifer Schifano Thomas

    I love the way your bargello quilt came out and your "dust bunnies" made me laugh. Have a fabulous day!

  2. Brenda / Songbird Designs

    Great job on your bargello! It looks great! I've made one – (probably) my first and last!! LOL

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