WOO HOO!!! I’m sew excited.

Did you see it??

Do you get McCall’s Quilting magazine??

Mine just came in the mail today (sept/oct)

(McCall’s sent me pictures from the magazine to use)

and I didn’t pay attention to the index of patterns, then flipped thru it and there on page 40 is my OWL quilt- the one I’ve had to keep a secret!! now I can finally show it.

I’m thrilled, this is my first time being published and McCall’s have been so nice to this newbie, since I’ve had lots of questions and had help finding a fabric sponsor etc.

I’m still jumping up and down!- which is kind of hard with the big ol’ belly 🙂

(Picture from McCall’s)

Here’s the pictures from MARCH! when I started making the quilt.

The tonga batiks were donated by TT fabrics- AWESOME!!

Here’s the beginning of the owl blocks! a trick I used when adding the wings was to iron down one half then add the other block next to it and line up the other half of a wing on that block, this way they all match.

here’s the 4 blocks before I added the buttonhole stitching.

and the blocks put together

and the finished top!

a close up of two of the owls

Here’s a link to the online article

I also had some left over fabrics and made a set of pot holders for one of the Editors at McCall’s

the pattern is a bonus on their site (well it’s not up YET) but check here after the 19th.

And the free PDF for the owl pot holders is here.

(Again the picture from McCall’s)

here’s the EQ sketch, once I chose the fabrics I changed my mind and made the border green instead of blue and made the dark red orange instead as well.

the pattern is called It’s a hootie!

it’s also featured on EQ’s blog now

well it has been a HOOT to make this and first have the pattern be picked by McCall’s.

The whole process was exciting!

49 thoughts on “WOO HOO!!! I’m sew excited.”

  1. OMG! Congrats! Love it… but I left the fact even more that one of my bloggy friends made McCalls! Hoot hoot!

  2. Mame Johnston

    Oh, Bea, how absolutely wonderful to have you recognized for your amazing talents as a quilter and now, a designer! Congratulations! I'll pick up a copy tomorrow!

  3. ritainalaska

    congrats! it's a cutie hootie! can't wait for my mccall's to get here!

  4. Hillbilly Tonya

    Quit jumping, you'll make that baby sick to her little tummy.Congrats!!!!!!!!!

  5. I DID see it! My copy came on Saturday and I saw your adorable quilt and your name and picture — you're famous!

  6. Another congrats to you and a few party poppers popped as well. The colours you've used are so lovely and bright. Love it! :0)

  7. This is so cute! How fun to have it featured in the magazine. Congratulations!!

  8. Yay You!!! Congratulations and super exciting 🙂 🙂 I was once published in a Fons & Porter edition and so I have an inkling of your excitement … but YAY You!!! Excellent job by the way … I remember seeing the owl pattern but not noting the designer… Gonna have to look again 😉

  9. How cute is that! Congrats on having it published. It really is your lucky day! :O)

  10. I got my copy today too but have yet to open it. Congrats. It is really adorable! I hope to do have something of mine printed some day too.

  11. Jessisca Lenderman

    Congratultion for being published in a magazine .. your pattern are really cute and funny : ) I totally adore the big eyes bird .. so adorable : )

  12. Terry@ iluvmybugs

    Congratulations!!!! So happy for you Bea!!! Love the little owls and 'It's a Hootie!' is an adorable quilt!

  13. Oh Bea! I am sew excited for you!!! I will definitely have to get this magazine just for your pattern. It is sew cute!!! I use to love owls and collected them, but stopped for some reason. I love them and love this pattern.

  14. I got mine in the mail yesterday and was so excited for you!! I showed all my kids "Look I've commented on her blog!" Congrats!!

  15. http://tubakk.blogg.no/

    Congratulations! This is so fantastic, and I have find this magazine one of these days.

  16. Muddling Through

    Very clever! That is a very striking quilt. Congratulations on your publication.

  17. Huge Congratulations Bea! How exciting to see your own creation in a magazine. YAY! Have you stopped dancing yet? I can't wait to get my magazine. Hopefully it will come today in the mail.Super cute quilt and the pot holders are just adorable.

  18. wow! you're full of luck today–a published work of art and a winner at Crol's blog–you rule!!

  19. Congratulations Bea! I remember when you started on this and I can't wait to get this issue of McCalls magazine! Wow! Thanks for sharing.Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday

  20. I already got my McCall's, and thought this was so cute! I did recognize you from the blog, too!

  21. What a fun quilt. I'll be looking forward to seeing it in the mail. Congrats on getting published.

  22. That is awesome Bea! Congrats on getting published! Your owl quilt is beautiful… Hope my copy is in the mail Ü Ü Ü

  23. Dirt Road Quilter

    How cute are those?! Eagerly looking forward to my issue arriving! Congratulations! I'm excited for you!

  24. Cheryl Willis

    so happy for you, it has been fun seeing your journey. now the big question is What is Next?

  25. Popping over from Quilt Story. Congrats on being published–adorable owls!

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