Spring Berry Squares quilt is done

     You might have seen this on instagram a while ago, I cut out these pieces to re-make my Berry Squares Quilt pattern

This is the pattern and quilt, it just needed more of a contrast!

I changed the pattern a tiny bit to make it Accuquilt friendly!

and notice how the white bird print is directional, so I had to pay attention to those blocks!

I did some custom quilting on it with QCT4 of course, as I’m still learning, I did one block at a time, and it took me days to finish!! but so worth it 😉

I used leftover green for the back and added another green

One thing I had to watch out for was after each block it cut the thread but sometimes it didn’t pick up the new thread on the next block, but I think I got tension discs loosened enough…

The quilt measures 50″ x 50″

7 thoughts on “Spring Berry Squares quilt is done”

  1. Wow! You are right; it did need contrast. I love the quilting you did on it.

    1. thanks! it was a fun challenge, but I already re-wrote the pattern as I did it, so it was a bit tricky

  2. Thank you for linking up with Show Me Something Purple. I really like seeing the custom quilting close up on the front of the quilt and it makes the back of the quilt so striking!

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