Purse Pincushions

I made these 3 cute purse pincushions last week and dropped them off at the Emporium in town

(though if you want to buy one of them, just email and I can go get one of them back!) I have them in my shop here too!

The purses are done 90% ITH on the embroidery machine (fits a 5″ x 7″ hoop) and the file is from embroidershoppe

This time I didn’t sew down the flaps, this way if a little girl wants to play with it, she can open up the flap and pretend with it, I know Anja often plays with hers! And my version has a fabric handle, it’s supposed to have a beaded handle but I never did that as I had little kids when I first started making this, maybe I made the very first one with beads but then stopped after that.

They take a while to make but are SO cute!!

What color combination should I make next??

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