Jelly roll quilt with or without a border??

I finished the jelly roll top using a tutorial I found on pinterest

and I used Jersey Shore by Island Batik

I love how it turned out and it’s a good size already, around 48 x 64,

now the question is, SHOULD I or SHOULDN’T I add a border?

and if so, what color? I’m kind of thinking a light color, so the light teal or blueish.


I saw this on FB the other day! did you find it?


5 thoughts on “Jelly roll quilt with or without a border??”

  1. tiffany Matto

    Beautiful quilt! Black! I love using black as a border on my quilts! It's kind of like a matting or picture frame.

  2. It certainly doesn't need a border, look great just the way it is. If you want to make it bigger I use a light teal.

  3. I think the bright blue that's in the quilt would look great, maybe a small light inner border?

  4. loving the quilt must check out that pattern as I have some jelly rolls, you have so many colours you could use for a border each time I took I change my mind, rather like the idea of yellow. Love the needle in the haystack!

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