Hunter star quilt

I finally finished quilting my scrappy hunter star quilt

I had this black and grey FQ bundle and then used solid white.

I did an EQ7 tutorial on hunter star quilts and this one quilt is probably the MOST pinned on pinterest so I just HAD to make one myself too.

Of course I cut it out with the Accuquilt die.

hunter star7

My sketch had a touch of red but I didn’t do that as some of the fabrics were more of a warm brown, so I thought that looked fine Smile


I long arm quilted soft curves from corner to corner all over it


I added the binding by machine and used a fun stitch on my machine.


Here’s the back of the quilt


I did the label on the embroidery machine and thought I’d finish it in June, but I actually did in July- shh- don’t tell!!


The quilt inspector approves!!


3 thoughts on “Hunter star quilt”

  1. Goofin' Off Around the Block

    Every great quilt needs a quilt inspector. Your quilt looks so beautiful. You did a great job with putting the fabric choices together. The Hunter's Star is on my wanna do some day list. –Andrea

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