EQ appliqued Animals Blog hop last day

I can’t believe it’s the last day of the blog hop!


Here’s todays Schedule

Friday April 26th

SewCalGal (Critters and Bugs)


Did you have fun? Did you learn anything new and/or do you want to buy EQ7 now??

Have fun and good luck on the giveaways!

17 thoughts on “EQ appliqued Animals Blog hop last day”

  1. Vroomans' Quilts

    I have enjoyed this hop with learning more to EQ's use. I don't do a lot of applique, but now I know I can play with this in a whole new light.

  2. Crickets Corner

    I've had fun with this hop and learned a lot. I don'thave EQ but since there were such great tutorials about how to use it I can see that I am going to have to add it as one of my quilting tools.

  3. Thank you for taking the time to share your skills with us. I do want to purchase EQ and with your tutorials I think it helps.

  4. I have Eq7 and EQ Stitch. the hop provided me with some tips and techniques that I didn't know yet. I am sure it will improve my digitizing and applique planning. Thanks!

  5. What I have learned is that I have a lot to learn! I have EQ6 but I'm not using all of its capabilities, and it seems EQ7 does even more. I'd love to upgrade, but the cost is holding me back.

  6. Debbie Rogowski

    I've had fun with this one. I like that there weren't too many to see each day since I don't always have the time but do enjoy the new blogs to see and join in. I'm gonna have to check out the EQ to purchase.

  7. Great hop. I have learned lots this week. And I have also enjoyed the applique patterns as well.

  8. Karen Propes

    I love this hop, so excited about EQ7. What a wonderful tool to have in my quilting room. You have taken me to a place I only imagined. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I've found my Emerald City. Thanks for sharing its on my wish list at the very top!ncjeepster@aol.com

  9. I had oodles of fun and learned loads of new tricks and tips. And definitely was inspired by all the creativity, especially your cute designs that always make me smile.And, my PC finally booted up so I was able to upload my PDF tutorial. Don't you know, the one time I do a PDF tutorial vs incorporate it into my blog post my PC goes on the blitz…well, not the only time it goes on the blitz. Looks like I'm forced to go to WIN8 this next month :(SewCalGalwww.sewcalgal.blogspot.com

  10. I have learned a lot Now to set aside some time to practice playing and doing in EQ

  11. Very great hop! I learned so much this week! Thank you very much for your time and the all Ladies! Have a nice weekend!

  12. I am a new EQ7 and EQStitch user, and I have been thrilled to find so many generous, experienced users of this software, including you! Although intimidated at first look, I have had so much fun learning and using this program and meeting others who also are EQ lovers! Thank you for sharing so much, Bea!

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